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The distinction between ship launching and salvage airbags video

We talk about the distinction between ship launching airbags and salvage airbags in the video. Usually, we use the launching airbags to help the new ship launch, according to the length of the hull, width, weight, and tabletop height can be designed appropriate size of the airbag.

In fact, the airbag can not only help the ship into the water but also help salvage the submerged ship and other objects commonly called salvage airbag or lifting airbag.

There is almost no difference between the external body of the launching airbag and the salvage airbag. The external body of the salvage airbag will be equipped with a ribbon for easy binding.

launching airbags

Usually, professional divers carry the airbag into the water and tie the ribbon on the airbag to the ship that needs to be salvaged. After binding, the airbag is inflated. As the airbag is constantly inflated, the floating body increases and slowly rises with the ship until it emerges to the surface.

>>The use and production of marine airbags video

>>Prepare for ship launching airbag into water video
